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ift:vpn:university [2022/09/28 23:27]
kcach created
ift:vpn:university [2024/10/24 18:31] (current)
Line 2: Line 2:
 Here you find instructions how to connect with University Virtual Private Network (VPN) Here you find instructions how to connect with University Virtual Private Network (VPN)
 ===== Linux configuration ===== ===== Linux configuration =====
-<​note>​Following instruction works for Ubuntu ​22.04</​note>​ +<​note>​Following instruction works for Ubuntu ​24.04</​note>​ 
-  * Install openconnect ​version **8.x** (there are some problems with 9.x)+  * Install ​required packages ​openconnect ​and gp-saml-gui
 <code bash> <code bash>
-# Check openconnect version +sudo apt-get install ​openconnect gp-saml-gui
-apt policy openconnect +
-# Install if version matches requirements +
-sudo apt-get install -y openconnect+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-  ​Create bin directory in your home dir+{{:​ift:​vpn:​vpn_install_packages.png?​400|}} 
 +  ​[[https://​uniwroc-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​krzysztof_cach_uwr_edu_pl/​EcTkT5i6jHVFteGDzSjNf0ABThalfYI8ZdJdTof-sHby3A?​e=LOdPFp|Download]] wrapper for UWR VPN configuration and install it:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-mkdir ~/bin+sudo dpkg -i vpn-uwr.deb
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-  ​Add newly created dir to PATH variable+{{:​ift:​vpn:​vpn_install_wrapper.png?​400|}} 
 +  ​In application launcher search for VPN UWr and run it 
 <code bash> <code bash>
-case "​$SHELL"​ in +  * The window with University login page should appear, please provide your credentials 
-  "​zsh"​) DOTFILE="​~/​.zshrc" ;; +{{:​ift:​vpn:​vpn_login.png?400|}} 
-  ​"​bash"​) DOTFILE="​~/​.bashrc"​ ;; +  ​* During connection process you will be asked for your sudo password 
-  "ksh") DOTFILE="​~/​.kshrc"​ ;; +  ​* Connection should be established - search in output information for keyword ​"connected
-esac +{{:ift:vpn:vpn_established.png?​400|}} 
-echo '​export PATH="​$PATH:~/​bin"'​ >> $DOTFILE +  * You should be able to access intranet websites 
-source $DOTFILE +{{:ift:​vpn:​vpn_intranet.png?400|}} 
-</​code>​ +<note warning>Don't close terminal window ​minimize it</note
-  * Install required packages +<note importantTo properly disconnect from VPN - use key combination ctrl+c within terminal window ​</note
-<code bash> +
-sudo apt-get install python3-pip +
-pip3 install https://github.com/​dlenski/​gp-saml-gui/​archive/​master.zip +
-</code> +
-  * Create script in **~/bin/vpn-uwr** with following content +
-<code bash> +
-#!/bin/bash -xv +
-eval $( gp-saml-gui --gateway vpn.uwr.edu.pl --clientos=Windows --allow-insecure-crypto ) +
-echo "​$COOKIE"​ | sudo openconnect --protocol=gp -u "​$USER"​ --os="​$OS"​ --passwd-on-stdin "​$HOST"​ & +
-</code> +
-  * Set execute privileges ​ +
-<code bash> +
-set +x ~/​bin/​vpn-uwr +
-  * Run our script from terminal **vpn-uwr** to connect with University VPN - the window with University login page should appear - after successful login, connection will be established.+
ift/vpn/university.1664400458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/28 23:27 by kcach
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