====== The University VPN ======
Here you find instructions how to connect with University Virtual Private Network (VPN)
===== Linux configuration =====
Following instruction works for Ubuntu 24.04
* Install required packages openconnect and gp-saml-gui
sudo apt-get install openconnect gp-saml-gui
* [[https://uniwroc-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/krzysztof_cach_uwr_edu_pl/EcTkT5i6jHVFteGDzSjNf0ABThalfYI8ZdJdTof-sHby3A?e=LOdPFp|Download]] wrapper for UWR VPN configuration and install it:
sudo dpkg -i vpn-uwr.deb
* In application launcher search for VPN UWr and run it
* The window with University login page should appear, please provide your credentials
* During connection process you will be asked for your sudo password
* Connection should be established - search in output information for keyword "connected"
* You should be able to access intranet websites
Don't close terminal window - minimize it
To properly disconnect from VPN - use key combination ctrl+c within terminal window